
"Azerbaijani States in History" Welcomes its Readers

The Book "Azerbaijani States in History" published by Heydar Aliyev Heritage Research Center is just from print. It is in Azerbaijani, English, Armenian, Georgian, Moldovan and Ukrainian languages. It gives brief information on the states which existed in the historical Azerbaijani territories and also provides the maps of those states.

ISBN: 978-9952-8133-2-8
Capacity: 15
Year of publication: 2012
Format: 19x19
Pages: 240
Series: Heydar Aliyev Heritage Research Center

The advisor of the series of publications of Heydar Aliyev Heritage Research Center is Academician Asaf Nadirov. The idea and the foreword of the Book belong to Elkhan Suleymanov, President of the Association for Civil Society Development in Azerbaijan, member of the parliament from the district of Shamakhi, head of the Azerbaijani delegation in EURONEST Parliamentary Assembly, member of the Azerbaijani delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. Scientific advisor is professor, doctor of historical sciences, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan Ilyas Babayev. The creative board is headed by Fuad Babayev, PHD in political sciences. The Book is intended for broad masses of readers.
